*** Updated Information from Kevin ***

We have a total of 13 cars signed up. Thank you! In case you haven’t seen the email from Michael Lewis, here is the cliff notes version:

For your Group laps, please plan on arriving between 11-11:30 a.m. with an approximate track-entry time between Noon-1 p.m.

Your designated arrival time will allow you a chance to purchase a Dover souvenir from our Track Treasures trailer and visit the Monster Monument at Victory Plaza (and get your car picture in front of the Monster if previously purchased) before hitting the track for your laps. If you want to have a digital picture of your car at the monument you can sign up here: SCC Dover Laps for Charity Registration | Events | Speedway Children's Charities (speedwaycharities.org)

With that said, we will meet at Valley Forge Park at the same spot we usually meet at 8:45 am and leave by 9:15 or when everyone is there (I know Bob is meeting us at the track). It will take about 90 minutes avoiding any toll roads.

After we are done, we can meet at McGlynns Pub - Family Restaurant, Sports Bar in DE. It’s close to the track and probably has a lake view. Jackie says the cocktails on the menu look good so I’m sure the food is good also. If you plan on going there after the track reply to this email with the number of people in your group and I’ll make reservations.